Goal of the Week #46: Plan out Your Year

CalendarThis week’s goal: Plan out your Year. Last week’s goal was to determine where you want to be at the end of 2014. This week’s goal is to figure out how you are going to do it. Take your end-of-the-year goals and figure out what you need to accomplish each month in order to get them done. If you are writing a book this year, give yourself outline, chapter, and rewrite deadlines, and assign them throughout the year. If you plan to start a business, figure out what needs to be done in reasonable increments in order to do so. If you want to make your blog a must-read in your industry – and get on a top-10 list for 2014 – decide what you need to do each month to develop your content, extend your reach, and get noticed.

No matter what your plans for 2014, remember anything is achievable. Just set goals and reasonable deadlines … and make sure you stay on track!

What’s your big goal for 2014? 

November 2013 Goals

autumn leavesThe countdown begins. Only two months left til the end of the year. You can panic, scrap all of your unaccomplished goals for 2013, and take the rest of the year off. Or – and this is my recommendation – take a breath and see what you can still accomplish this year. December will have it’s own challenges and end of the year deadlines. So, just focus on November. Name one, two, or three things you can realistically get done this month. Do you want to launch that long-overdue blog, make a business plan, or even just clean out your office? Do you want to make good on your goal to network more and attend a few events this month? Perhaps it’s time to start the workout regimen you promised you would do last January. Just pick something, do it, and then pick something else. It’s that simple.

What is your goal – or are your goals – for November?

Entrepreneur Advice: Pursecase

pursecaseWant to create something useful? Look at what will make your life easier and go from there. That was what happened when Kelley Coughlan and Jenn Deese created Pursecase.* The duo, who are also partners of Melrose PR in Santa Monica, talk with Guided Goals’ founder Debra Eckerling about their experience. Plus, they offer advice for would-be entrepreneurs.

* A pursecase was used in filming this interview.


June 2013 Goals

It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and you don’t really want to work on your goals today! That’s fine. Take a breath. Take a day. Take the entire weekend. And then start fresh on Monday.

Things don’t stall because you take a weekend off, they stall when you take a week, a few weeks, or a month off. Even if you don’t work on your passion project every day, be sure to keep your project in the front of your mind. Look at your goals daily, and spend quality time working on them on a regular basis. It all adds up! Even a  little bit of time spent working on your project on a regular basis will get you where you want to go.

Good luck!

Post your June goals in the comments.


Advice from Jane Lynch

At the Writers Guild Awards in Los Angeles, February 17, 2013, I asked actress Jane Lynch, Glee, what advice she had for people pursuing their goals, striving towards their dreams.