Goal of the Week #21 Summer Schedule

LA Cover PicThis week’s goal: Determine your summer schedule. It’s officially summer, which means you have three choices – take a break from your passion project, commit to getting it done by the end of summer, or come up with a manageable compromise.

Similar to holiday-time, the summer months are chock full of extra obligations: family vacations or field trips, parties and picnics, beachtime and beer. I live in LA, where the weather is great year-round. Those of you in other parts of the country who want to enjoy actual summer, go for it. Just don’t let your projects fall by the wayside in the process.

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Whether you have less or more time to devote to your passion project, make a commitment to move forward. How many hours will you work on it each week? Each month? Some weeks may be more productive than others. The objective: be further along on – or complete – your project by the time fall rolls around.

What is your summer schedule commitment?

Goal of the Week #20 Be Social

socialThis week’s goal: Be social. Go to  networking event, a panel discussion, or booksigning. Going to events in – or slightly outside of – your field are all great opportunities to meet new people, expand your network, and learn something.

I recommend trying to go to at least one event every or every other week at the very least.I live in Los Angeles, and opportunities are everywhere … many nights, there are at least two to three competing events. If you live in a smaller town, you may have to look a little harder, but opportunities are there.

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You can find events by asking friends, going to meetup.com, and checking your local library and bookstore. You can also do a good old-fashioned local Google search. When you are out and about, you never know who you might meet: A new friend, a potential client, or business resource. A little bit of social can go a long way. Don’t forget to bring your business cards.

What event will you go to this week?

Goal of the Week #19 Do the Work

gold starThis week’s goal: Do the work. Dedicate 5 – 10 hours to your side project. Networking and groundwork is essential – and that’s something we cover regularly on this site. So this week, put in some quality, no-distraction time on your passion project. One to two hours a  day may not seem like a lot, but it all adds up. You’ll be happy with the amount of progress you make.

Which project will you be working on this week?

Goal of the Week #18 Do Lunch

gold starThis week’s goal: Do lunch! Make plans to see someone you haven’t seen in a while. Have a bite. Catch up. See how you can help your friend and vise versa. It helps to get out of  your regular routine. Plus, a little bit of changing up your energy goes a long way.

With whom will you “do lunch” this week?

Goal of the Week #17: Don’t Overdo It

gold starThis week’s goal: Don’t overdo! It’s real easy to try and cram five or more days of work into a shortened four-day week. This leads to mistakes, exhaustion, crankiness. Plus, all the physical and emotional benefits of the long weekend go down the drain.

So, this week – don’t! Do not try and fit in an extra few hours on your side project. Do not make up for taking a day off yesterday. You needed it. You deserved it! Put in your regular extra time, as planned. You’ll get a full week again next week!

How did you spend the long weekend?

Goal of the Week #16 Ask for Something

gold starThis week’s goal: Ask for something. There’s value in paying things forward, just as there is value in asking for what you need. This week, ask a friend, a colleague, or a business contact for a referral, a testimonial, or an introduction. Then, offer to do the same for this person and/or someone else.

Sometimes it’s intimidating or uncomfortable to ask for help. Reasonable requests should never be a problem. Besides, people love to help. Plus, a little good karma goes a long way.

You never know if you are going to get a “yes” unless you ask. And the benefits can be amazing.

What will you ask for this week?

Goal of the Week #15 Do Something Creative

gold starThis week’s goal: Do something creative. When working on any sort of project, it’s important to expand your mind and view things from a different perspective. The best way to do that is take a break and do something creative: paint, take a photograph, write. Stirs those creative juices. Then, go back to your project with a fresh perspective, and see how you can expand, solve, create things differently.

What creative project will you work on this week?

Goal of the Week #14 Leave Your Comfort Zone

gold starThis week’s goal: Take a walk outside your comfort zone. Starting a new project, career, or venture is all about taking risks. This week, dip your toe in the water and try something a little different from your norm. We’ll get to A LOT  different at a later time. Make a pitch call, send a query letter, or strike up a conversation with someone new. You’ll find doing things a little different goes a long way.

What will you try this week?

Goal of the Week #13 Update Your Website

gold starThis week’s goal: Update your website or blog. When was the last time you took a good look at your website? Is your About page still accurate? Or do you have new information and experience to add? Do you have outdated information that needs to be removed? Is your website or blog true to your personality?

Your web presence is your first impression to most new people. Ideally review it once/month … at least once season. Make sure it looks professional and up-to-date. Remember, you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

What information will you add to your website this week?

Goal of the Week #12 Recycle

gold starThis week’s goal: It’s Earth Day! So, this week, recycle an idea from an old project! Resurrect a scene from a long-ago writing project. Revisit a concept from a previous business endeavor. Reconnect with a contact with whom you’ve lost touch. Find a way to reuse a brilliant idea that never got off the ground. It’s a great way to stretch your creativity and find a new use for an old idea!

What idea will you recycle?