October 2013 Goals

OctoberIt’s October! That means you have three months left to complete your 2013 goals by the end of the year. Did you write your goals down in January? Did they change as the months passed? Did you complete your original goals and set new ones?

Regardless of your progress, take Q4 as an opportunity to start with a clean slate. What do you want to accomplish before next year rolls around? In order to achieve that goal, what do you need to complete in October and November? Make a new list of goals that will carry you through the end of the year. Look at it regularly and see how much you can achieve.

What are your goals for October? For the rest of the year?

September 2013 Goals

AutumnCan’t believe it’s September already. Where did the summer go? Good news is you have another four months to complete those annual goals. Bad news is … nope, no bad news. However, since summer is over, it’s time to adjust your schedule again. How many hours a week is it reasonable for you to work on your project(s)? How many hours can you commit to in September? Once you determine that, schedule that time in your calendar. Even if the time is flexible, enter a reminder in your calendar on Monday about how many hours you will work – and track after the fact – each week. Remember, hold yourself accountable for these commitments. You wouldn’t cancel a business meeting with another person, so do not cancel appointments with yourself. Good luck.

What are your goals for September?

Goal of the Week #29: Finish Something

DoneThis Week’s Goal: Finish something. Remember all those projects you started, because it’s summer and you figured you will have a ton of time? How many of them did you complete? If the answer is “all,” multiple gold stars for you! If you are like most people, you started a bunch and finished maybe one or two of them, while everything else sits in limbo.

This week, finish one of your summer projects. It can be a proposal, query submissions, a chapter in a book, an outline, a social media strategy, whatever needs to get done. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, and then motivate you to finish other items on your to do list. Plus, it will bring you closer to achieving those big goals.

What project will you finish this week?

August 2013 Goals

SummerIt’s summer! So why not make some awesome progress on your passion project. Here’s a simple way to do just that. In August, do something every day that will bring you closer toward reaching your personal and professional goals. It can be as simple as making a phone call or sending a few catch-up emails or as complex as writing pages for your business plan, blog, or book.

Keep track of your progress on a daily basis. Mark down everything you do in your computer calendar or on a piece of paper with the date and action. It’s highly motivating – you will see and feel that you are getting somewhere!

It’s easy to get discouraged when you are not as far along on your project as you want to be. However, if you focus – and work consistently – you will make great strides.

What actions will you take on this month?

Goal of the Week #23 Take a Walk

Walk on the BeachThis week’s goal: Take an energizing walk. Just because you are busy juggling, work, life, and your passion project, does not mean you can’t schedule a little “me-time.” It’s important to take breaks throughout the day – it’s good for your mind, body, and spirit. So, for one break this week, instead of hitting the coffee shop or water cooler, take a ten-minute walk around the block. Leave your cellphone in your purse or pocket – I don’t expect you to leave it at the office – and enjoy a few moments outside. Don’t think of it as time lost. You’ll feel better and have any even more productive afternoon.

When will you take a walk this week?

Goal of the Week #21 Summer Schedule

LA Cover PicThis week’s goal: Determine your summer schedule. It’s officially summer, which means you have three choices – take a break from your passion project, commit to getting it done by the end of summer, or come up with a manageable compromise.

Similar to holiday-time, the summer months are chock full of extra obligations: family vacations or field trips, parties and picnics, beachtime and beer. I live in LA, where the weather is great year-round. Those of you in other parts of the country who want to enjoy actual summer, go for it. Just don’t let your projects fall by the wayside in the process.

gold star

Whether you have less or more time to devote to your passion project, make a commitment to move forward. How many hours will you work on it each week? Each month? Some weeks may be more productive than others. The objective: be further along on – or complete – your project by the time fall rolls around.

What is your summer schedule commitment?

June 2013 Goals

It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and you don’t really want to work on your goals today! That’s fine. Take a breath. Take a day. Take the entire weekend. And then start fresh on Monday.

Things don’t stall because you take a weekend off, they stall when you take a week, a few weeks, or a month off. Even if you don’t work on your passion project every day, be sure to keep your project in the front of your mind. Look at your goals daily, and spend quality time working on them on a regular basis. It all adds up! Even a  little bit of time spent working on your project on a regular basis will get you where you want to go.

Good luck!

Post your June goals in the comments.


Goal of the Week #14 Leave Your Comfort Zone

gold starThis week’s goal: Take a walk outside your comfort zone. Starting a new project, career, or venture is all about taking risks. This week, dip your toe in the water and try something a little different from your norm. We’ll get to A LOT  different at a later time. Make a pitch call, send a query letter, or strike up a conversation with someone new. You’ll find doing things a little different goes a long way.

What will you try this week?

May 2013 Goals

Spring has sprung! The weather is beautiful, flowers are blooming, the time is right for a fresh start! If you are feeling stressed that you haven’t accomplished – or even made a dent in – your goals this year, don’t be. Just take a breath, take a walk, and start fresh.

The most common roadblock that stops us from completing our goals is … us. We get in our own way by being overwhelmed by all we want to do and then stalling. So, start fresh. Review your annual goals, pick a few things to accomplish in May, and just get started. You can do it! Just give yourself permission.

Post your May goals in the comments.

Goal of the Week #13 Update Your Website

gold starThis week’s goal: Update your website or blog. When was the last time you took a good look at your website? Is your About page still accurate? Or do you have new information and experience to add? Do you have outdated information that needs to be removed? Is your website or blog true to your personality?

Your web presence is your first impression to most new people. Ideally review it once/month … at least once season. Make sure it looks professional and up-to-date. Remember, you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

What information will you add to your website this week?