Goal of the Week #10 Work on your Passion Project

gold starThis week’s goal: Spend at least 5 hours this week on your work in progress. We all get busy, and our passion projects are the first to fall by the wayside. This week, make a commitment to spend at least 5 hours on yourself and your future.

What are you going to work on this week?

Goal of the Week #9 Clean your In-Box

gold starThis week’s goal: Clean out your In-Box! Of course, you should also Spring Clean your home … that goal is coming soon. But now is the perfect time to look through your inbox, read and respond to any lingering emails, and unsubscribe to any email lists that are no longer relevant. Most days, email seems like a bottomless pit. Bite the bullet and get through it once and for all. This will save you a ton of time … time you can then spend working on your projects!

What’s your number? How many emails did you go through today?

Goal of the Week #8 Your Beta Project

gold starThis week’s goal: Spend some time with an alternate project. We all have projects that fall by the wayside. This week, spend an hour or so revisiting an old project: article, marketing plan, product in progress, etc. You may reignite a spark of creativity and motivation. Or you may be able to use something from that experience to put towards a current project. Either way, it’s always nice to revisit an old “friend.” Even if you end up putting it away and revisiting again at a later date.

What project are you working on this week?

Goal of the Week #7 Relocate

gold starThis week’s goal: Relocate … well, just for a few hours. Do you normally work at home? Why not try working at a local cafe for a few hours this week. Do you already have a favorite cafe? Maybe it’s time to test out a new one. Sometimes all you need to get out of a rut or a shot of motivation is to mix up your surroundings.

Where are you working – that’s different that your norm – this week?

Goal of the Week #6 Start & Finish Something

gold starThis week’s goal: Start and finish a project. Many of our short-term goals – and all of our long-term ones – take much longer than a week to complete … and sometimes that finish line seems an impossible distance away. This week, choose a project or task you can start and then finish. That sense of completion will keep you motivated, so you can stay focused and finish your more challenging – and more time-consuming – projects!

So what project will you complete this week?

Goal of the Week #5 Write a Testimonial

gold starThis week’s goal: Write a testimonial for a friend or colleague. As you are building up or growing your business, it’s essential to have people  singing your praises. Nothing beats good old-fashioned word of mouth – though much of it is done electronically via LinkedIn or a website these days. So give props to a business you support.You may get a testimonial for your services in return. Or stock up some good karma. Or both.

Who are you vouching for this week? 

Goal of the Week #4 Your Acceptance Speech

gold starThis week’s goal: Write your awards acceptance speech. We’ve all accepted our Academy Award, holding a hairbrush as a microphone. Whether you aspire to receive an Oscar, make a Top 10 List, or gain recognition in your industry, writing and practicing your acceptance speech is a great motivation while working toward your goals. Plus, it can’t hurt to be prepared!

Who will you thank in your acceptance speech?

Goal of the Week #3 Write Your Future Bio

gold starThis week’s goal: Write your future bio. What would you like your life to look like? Who are you striving to become? Think about it as what you would – and will – put on your book jacket cover or company page in 1, 5, or 10  years. Remember to write this bio in the present tense.

What will you be doing in 10 years?

Goal of the Week #2 Clean Your Workspace

gold starThis week’s goal: Clean your desk or workspace. A clear space helps you be more productive, so get rid of all the clutter and distractions. Feel free to put an inspirational quote or meaningful picture in the area, as well. Another option: “frame” your goals, so you are sure to look at them regularly.

How do you put personality into your workspace?