Goal of the Week #5 Write a Testimonial

gold starThis week’s goal: Write a testimonial for a friend or colleague. As you are building up or growing your business, it’s essential to have people  singing your praises. Nothing beats good old-fashioned word of mouth – though much of it is done electronically via LinkedIn or a website these days. So give props to a business you support.You may get a testimonial for your services in return. Or stock up some good karma. Or both.

Who are you vouching for this week? 

Goal of the Week #3 Write Your Future Bio

gold starThis week’s goal: Write your future bio. What would you like your life to look like? Who are you striving to become? Think about it as what you would – and will – put on your book jacket cover or company page in 1, 5, or 10  years. Remember to write this bio in the present tense.

What will you be doing in 10 years?