This week’s goal: Determine your summer schedule. It’s officially summer, which means you have three choices – take a break from your passion project, commit to getting it done by the end of summer, or come up with a manageable compromise.
Similar to holiday-time, the summer months are chock full of extra obligations: family vacations or field trips, parties and picnics, beachtime and beer. I live in LA, where the weather is great year-round. Those of you in other parts of the country who want to enjoy actual summer, go for it. Just don’t let your projects fall by the wayside in the process.
Whether you have less or more time to devote to your passion project, make a commitment to move forward. How many hours will you work on it each week? Each month? Some weeks may be more productive than others. The objective: be further along on – or complete – your project by the time fall rolls around.
What is your summer schedule commitment?