Goal of the Week #14 Leave Your Comfort Zone

gold starThis week’s goal: Take a walk outside your comfort zone. Starting a new project, career, or venture is all about taking risks. This week, dip your toe in the water and try something a little different from your norm. We’ll get to A LOT  different at a later time. Make a pitch call, send a query letter, or strike up a conversation with someone new. You’ll find doing things a little different goes a long way.

What will you try this week?

May 2013 Goals

Spring has sprung! The weather is beautiful, flowers are blooming, the time is right for a fresh start! If you are feeling stressed that you haven’t accomplished – or even made a dent in – your goals this year, don’t be. Just take a breath, take a walk, and start fresh.

The most common roadblock that stops us from completing our goals is … us. We get in our own way by being overwhelmed by all we want to do and then stalling. So, start fresh. Review your annual goals, pick a few things to accomplish in May, and just get started. You can do it! Just give yourself permission.

Post your May goals in the comments.

Goal of the Week #13 Update Your Website

gold starThis week’s goal: Update your website or blog. When was the last time you took a good look at your website? Is your About page still accurate? Or do you have new information and experience to add? Do you have outdated information that needs to be removed? Is your website or blog true to your personality?

Your web presence is your first impression to most new people. Ideally review it once/month … at least once season. Make sure it looks professional and up-to-date. Remember, you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

What information will you add to your website this week?

Goal of the Week #12 Recycle

gold starThis week’s goal: It’s Earth Day! So, this week, recycle an idea from an old project! Resurrect a scene from a long-ago writing project. Revisit a concept from a previous business endeavor. Reconnect with a contact with whom you’ve lost touch. Find a way to reuse a brilliant idea that never got off the ground. It’s a great way to stretch your creativity and find a new use for an old idea!

What idea will you recycle?

Goal of the Week #11 Read a Book

gold starThis week’s goal: Read a book, preferably one on your niche or industry.  It’s essential to keep up on trends in your area of interest. And, even though we get instant news and information on our computers and mobile devices, it’s helpful to read what industry experts and thought-leaders have to say.

What are you going to read this week?

Goal of the Week #10 Work on your Passion Project

gold starThis week’s goal: Spend at least 5 hours this week on your work in progress. We all get busy, and our passion projects are the first to fall by the wayside. This week, make a commitment to spend at least 5 hours on yourself and your future.

What are you going to work on this week?

April 2013 Goals

Happy April Fools Day! Did you pull a prank today? Did you get fooled?

Setting goals is no joke! If you define your goals, look at them regularly, and work towards them, you can accomplish almost anything!

So what have you accomplished so far this year? What are you planning to do in April?

Post your goals in the comments.

Goal of the Week #9 Clean your In-Box

gold starThis week’s goal: Clean out your In-Box! Of course, you should also Spring Clean your home … that goal is coming soon. But now is the perfect time to look through your inbox, read and respond to any lingering emails, and unsubscribe to any email lists that are no longer relevant. Most days, email seems like a bottomless pit. Bite the bullet and get through it once and for all. This will save you a ton of time … time you can then spend working on your projects!

What’s your number? How many emails did you go through today?

Goal of the Week #8 Your Beta Project

gold starThis week’s goal: Spend some time with an alternate project. We all have projects that fall by the wayside. This week, spend an hour or so revisiting an old project: article, marketing plan, product in progress, etc. You may reignite a spark of creativity and motivation. Or you may be able to use something from that experience to put towards a current project. Either way, it’s always nice to revisit an old “friend.” Even if you end up putting it away and revisiting again at a later date.

What project are you working on this week?

Goal of the Week #7 Relocate

gold starThis week’s goal: Relocate … well, just for a few hours. Do you normally work at home? Why not try working at a local cafe for a few hours this week. Do you already have a favorite cafe? Maybe it’s time to test out a new one. Sometimes all you need to get out of a rut or a shot of motivation is to mix up your surroundings.

Where are you working – that’s different that your norm – this week?