Guided Goals Podcast #18: Interviewing Guests with Harry Duran

Interviewing Guests with Harry DuranDo you interview guests on a podcast?

Ready to step up your game?

Want tips for developing pre- and post-interview relationships?

Harry Duran joins us on the Guided Goals Podcast, and we’re going to talk about interviewing guests for your podcast. We’ll also talk about maintaining ongoing engagement with them well after their episode is live.

Harry Duran is the host of Podcast Junkies and the founder of FullCast, a full-service podcast concierge service. Note: Harry’s next Blab podcast is this Wednesday, January 13.

Podcast Junkies

Harry started his  podcast, where he interviews other podcasters and gives people a peek behind the curtain, nearly two years ago. He is up to 70 episodes, and his interviews range from old-schoolers like Dave Jackson to people who are new into podcasting in the storytelling space, such as Lea Thau from Strangers. He tries to interview people with whom he has some sort of relationship beforehand, since that makes the conversation more engaging. The episodes go for at least an hour, sometimes an hour and a half.

Finding Guests

In the beginning, as a new podcaster, you reach out to everyone. At New Media Expo, one of the sessions Harry saw was Chase Reeves, the host of The Fizzle Show. He interacted with Chris at his talk, stayed in touch online, and asked him to be one of his first guests and he gladly obliged.

Harry also looked for people online to interact with. As a result, Greg Hickman and Cynthia Sanchez were early guests.

Harry finds guests by going to conferences and interacting online. He also does research ahead of time of the guest he will be interviewing.


Have someone you are interested in interviewing. Over time, figure out who your audience is, and who you are catering to. Before you know your audience, interact with everyone in your space on Facebook, Twitter, email. And then treat your guests like royalty leading up to the interview and after.

When you interview people, listen. Pay attention to what your guests is saying. Don’t just read the list of questions.

You can also stand when you interview. It changes the energy.

Or right before your interview, have your own get-ready process with a checklist.

Most importantly, don’t forget about the third person in the room – the listener. Have a conversation that would be interesting for the person who is listening in.

As you grow your podcast, don’t compare your path to the paths of others. You’ll drive yourself crazy. Have short term goals about what success means for you this week, next week, etc. Keep yourself focused on small progress.

Relationships with Guests

Harry has a filter and a rule for his Gmail, so all of his guest communication goes into a certain folder to better stay in touch. Plus, he keeps a Twitter list – he likes fun names to get people attention – of people who have been on his show, so he sees what they have been up to and shares them. (Here’s Twitter List of Guided Goals Podcast guests. )

Harry also creates custom artwork for his shows. When he recently updated his graphics, he went back and updated the images for early guests, since he continues to reshare earlier episodes.

Always be on the lookout for things you can do to promote your guest independent of their episode of your podcast, Harry adds.

For instance, at Podcast Movement, Harry brought Podcast Junkies shirts to all of his previous guests who were attending, The header of his Twitter page is that group shot.

Work/Life Balance

Harry is a huge fan of meditation; he recently interviewed Morgan Dix, About Meditation. It grounds you in a way to prepare you for what’s to come that day, Harry says. Even if you just take a walk around the block or close your eyes for a few minutes to step a way from the computer screen, it makes a huge difference.

Personal Goal of the Week: Start some sort of daily practice.

Professional Goal of the Week: Do at least one thing every day to move forward on your project.

Want to learn more about interviewing guests? Listen to the entire interview on iTunes or Stitcher:

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About Debra: A project catalyst, Debra Eckerling works with individuals and small businesses to create a strategy, set goals and manage their projects. Follow Debra @GuidedGoals, Like Guided Goals on Facebook, Subscribe to YouTube.