Guided Goals Podcast #39: Taking Care of Your Body with Philippe Coudoux

PhilippePhilippe Coudoux joins us on the Guided Goals Podcast, and we’re going to talk about taking care of your body. Philippe, The Posture Guide, is a health and movement specialist. He helps people kick their kinks and get a powerful posture.

Philippe shares his background, and offers tips and thoughts on listening to your body, taking breaks, mini-exercises, proper cel phone posture, and more.

While you can listen or watch this podcast, this might be a good video to watch, since Philippe demos some of his techniques. Also, check out Philippe on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Philippe’s Background

Philippe moved to the US 14 years ago from France. Philippe studied NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) in France and massage in the US. He studied NLP because he wanted to be more precise when talking to people. He was not only able to help people with their kinks, he was able to help people with the way they think about their kinks.

The reason he pursued NLP was because he got better at expressing himself to doctors. It helps with other things too.

When he started his massage career as a student, he got a lot of massages and he felt better. Philippe was happy to give back to help people.

He worked on people who weren’t getting better, so he decided to be more specialized in orthopedic work to help those with chronic pain. Philippe also realized by talking to his clients, when he allowed them to vent, they felt better the next week. He knew he was onto something. He transformed his practice to help people with chronic pain, but also those who had mindset blockage.

People tend to put themselves at the bottom of the list, when they should be at the top. When you feel good you are in a better position position to help others.

Helpful Techniques

Build a habit by the minute, not the hour, Philippe suggests. Going to the gym sometimes includes transit time, work out, shower, etc. It could take a couple hours. Very few people have that much time each day to devote to their workout.

So, when you sit at your computer:

  • Move around at your desk.
  • Sit up straighter
  • Take a deep breath of comfort. Do that whenever it’s needed during the day.

Also, don’t mistake exercise for movement.We need to move, before exercising.

Going to gym is great if you are fit, you know what to do, and you’re not in pain. If you are in pain, moving can be the first step. Instead of spending an hour at the gym, just walk around the block at night.

Making a small change here and there and taking small walks throughout the week can make a huge difference.

My podcasts are about 20 minutes, because I believe everyone has 20 minutes to give to themselves every day. Philippe says take those 20 minutes and spread them out throughout the day. A minute here, two minutes there. It may even become more than 20 minutes. There’s a huge difference between doing nothing and doing something about it.

More Tips

Thrust your pelvis back and forth. Move your butt out and under, back and forth. Doing that will lubricate the lower back.

Get some toys for your feet. Get a ball, get a towel, take off your shoes and socks, and grab the towel with your feet to get them to move a bit more. Play with the ball. Activity with your legs under the desk will give more energy to your brain because things are moving,

I asked Philippe at what intervals people should take breaks from the computer. While some people say 30 minutes and others say 3 hours, Philippe takes a different approach. He says to listen to your body.

He tells his clients whenever you are in pain, your body is screaming. Don’t let it get that far. Listen to the whispers. If, when you feel tired, you take a deep breath, then you don’t have to take an actual break. Take a break, breathe, yawn. It helps with oxygenation. A yawn lasts a few second, but you still continue working.

When you start to feel rounded and hunched over your computer, that’s when it’s time to step away, take a walk, a bath, a jump rope for a few minutes. Then go back.

You can also take some time and work out next to your computer on the floor. The less rigid and more open-minded, the more you can listen to the whispers.

People who are not used to listening to their body, Phiiippe recommends they set a sound alarm to go off. He recommends Insight Timer. You can set it so a chime goes off every 5, 10 minutes. It’s an audio cue that forces people to listen to themselves

When the chime goes, stop whatever you are doing for 5 breathes (5 breaths are like 10 seconds), and then resume the work. It’s not just breathing, it starts to create a communication between your body and your mind.

Floor Exercise

Most of the time people who work at a desk hurt in the lower back or the neck and shoulders.

Lie down on your back on the floor with your knees bent toward the sky with a pillow under the knees, one under the chest, and another under the neck. That position can decompress the pressure from the lower back and neck.

Another thing is to start iin that position and let the legs move to the side. Lay in that pose for about a minute, and then go to the center, wiggle your tail, and then te other side. This routine can last 2-3 minutes up to 10-15 minutes

Recommended Workout

Depending on the level of discomfort and athleticism. Follow a toddler for 5 minutes, They are completely inconsistent and they listen to their body. Animals and children are great trainers.

The gym has benefits. They can help. If you already go to the gym, including awareness on what is a great posture will make them stronger without increasing the weight load and decrease the pain and discomfort.

Nature is in the first place our gym. There are people who do parkour, which is more advanced. It’s using your city as a gym.


Posture is not just physical, it’s mental, as well. It’s the attitude. It’s your posture in life. When you have the posture of health, it changes your position. When you think like that, you sit differently.

Posture is not being static. It’s not a picture of someone up straight. Proper posture is movement.

The Smartphone Trick

When you lean over to your cell phone or any electronic device, for every inch forward, it’s an extra 10 pounds. When someone leans all the way forward, it’s like an extra 90 pounds on your back.

Instead, put your phone at eye level. Your shoulder might get tired at first, so switch sides. After you do this for a while and then go back and look down, the pain on your neck and shoulder will be so obvious.

Of course always be careful when you are walking with your phone and crossing the street.

Also, with your eyes, look far away, as well as at the computer. That will help the muscles in your eyes and will possibly improve your eyesight.

Work-Life Balance

Philippe says when he works with clients in his clinic and does bodywork, it is his meditation time. At home or on the road, he includes his work within his life, not the other way around. He takes the time

He suggests shorter, but more mindful, working time. Especially when Philippe has less time to work, he is  more mindful and productive.

He does have bursts of work, when he spends a lot of time on certain projects. When that happens, he physically moved where he is working. Changing position helps.

Final Thoughts

Philippe tells his clients to “MOC your body.”

  • M = Movement
  • O = Open
  • C = Comfort

MOC your body. Have fun. Be healthy.

Goal of the Week 1: Find ways to have better work-life balance. Incorporate work into live.

Goal of the Week 2: Change position when you work. At home or go to different places.

Goal of the Week 3: Try the smartphone trick. Put your phone at eye level.

Goal of the Week 4: When you are working, remember to take breaks and move around.

Want to learn more about taking care of your body? Listen to the entire interview on iTunes, Stitcheror Google Play.

Download the podcast.

Watch the video:

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About Debra: A project catalyst, Debra Eckerling works with individuals and small businesses to create a strategy, set goals and manage their projects. Follow Debra @GuidedGoals, Like Guided Goals on Facebook, Subscribe to YouTube.