Goal of the Week #44: Choose Your 2014 Theme

TypewriterThis week’s goal: Choose your theme for 2014.

At the beginning of every year there are certain to dos: list your personal and business goals/make your resolutions: get a better job, launch a business, workout regularly, meet your soul mate, the list goes on and on. While it’s important to know what you want if you want to achieve it, it’s also essential – as you jump into this new year – to know what kind of year you would like to have. Did you just get out of a bad job/difficult relationship? Is it a rebuilding year? Is this your growth year? What is your mission statement for 2014? What is your “power word,” slogan, or – with regards to Ally McBeal – theme song?

You will encounter ups and downs throughout this year’s journey. Choose a word, slogan, or song that represents your theme to keep your spirits up and your eye on the prize … and have a successful 2014.

 What is your power word for 2014?